Fashion Week Handbags Corto Moltedo Spring 2011

For one reason or another,replica watch, some designers go absolutely bonkers when it comes time to decorate a simple little box clutch. I’m not sure if it’s because the small proportion lends itself more easily to making big ideas wearable or if the structured feel of the bags makes them easier to decorate intricately, but it seems as though Corto Moltedo Spring 2011 takes note of both of those advantages.

I took the liberty of using the spider clutch as a feature because Halloween is quickly approaching and it’s my favorite holiday, but the motifs you’ll find in this collection are as varied as a summer day is long. From a pale, modernist American flag to sunny painted python to sober forged metal leaves, relative newcomer Moltedo offers a little something for everyone. Everyone who likes a crazy clutch, that is.

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